3D Printing 

A process for making a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model,
typically by laying down many successive thin layers of a  material.

What is 3D Printing?

​3D printing is referred to as additive manufacturing.

It is a method by which a 3D model is translated into a physical object by a 3D printer.

3D Printing is a cost effective way to make something from nothing, quickly. You can move from a 3D Model to an in-hand prototype, in hours, not days, without massive outlays for a mold and/or tooling costs.

Our Partnership
3DpWorks is partnered with
www.shapeways.com and www.sculpteo.com, where individuals with the help of 3DpWorks can make and sell their own products in higher volumes. By providing this platform, their community members can share ideas, gain access to cutting edge technology and bring personalized production to everyone.

Dream… Design… Deliver…

How does it work? 

​The MakerBot Replicator 2 makes solid, three-dimensional objects out of melted MakerBot PLA Filament. Your 3D design files are translated into instructions for the MakerBot Replicator 2 and sent to the machine via SD card. Then the MakerBot Replicator 2 heats the MakerBot PLA Filament and squeezes it out through a nozzle to make a solid object layer by layer. This method is called Fused Filament Fabrication [FFF].